Friday, April 9, 2010

My Blog is one of the Top 50!

I received this note today:

"I’m just writing this to let you know about a new featured post we just made over here at Mr. Manager entitled, “Top 50 Project Management Blogs.” I thought that both you and your readers at Project Management That Works! might find it to be an interesting article. Please do let me know if you have any feedback --'

I am very honored!!!  Thanks!!!!



DuffB said...

I've been on both sides of this issue - as the consultant submitting invoices as well as a corporate manager who approves them. I've found that much of the payment delay stems directly from your client - who don't get around to approving and submitting your invoice in the first place. As a consulting client, I made it a point to get my consultants paid as quickly as our Accts Payable people would allow - which meant making sure that when I got an invoice, I reviewed it promptly, got the correct upper management approvals and submitted it correctly to my business manager for payment.

I recommend that you have a frank discussion with your client about your need for prompt payment - underscoring how the success of their project is wedded to a good business relationship with your company. (Think Win / Win).

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