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Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Ten Terrains of Consciousness - Allen David Reed and Tahnee Wolf

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VoiceAmerica  00:05

One problem facing people at many levels of business is how to make time for a work life and a personal life, do you find that one seems to keep getting in the way of the other? This is the work life balance with Rick Morris. Even if you're not involved in the business world, you'll have a lot to gain by tuning into today's show. Now, here's your host, Rick A. Morris,


Rick A. Morris  00:26

and welcome to a Friday edition of the work life balance. So excited to have everybody along with us as we've got some new guests here that we're going to talk to really excited about that. And because of that, I'm gonna forego a lot of our normal opening announcements except for the one, the entire catalog now of the group, the party, the music is now available on Spotify. So if you wouldn't mind helping us out, it's been literally 30 years in the making to get all this catalog back out there, digitize it. So if you search the party and just go add those to your albums and listen to some of the music that we created. I think the album we just dropped today came out 95 so fantastic of Disney to finally work through that with us and Hollywood Records and so excited that it's out there. And of course, thanks to Yvette jacala and Jason Hampton for really keeping the the their feet to the fire and keeping the music alive for us. So let's get into today's show. Today we have Alan David Reed and Tawny Wolf, and they're the CO creators of the 10 terranes model. There are authors of the book Introducing 10 terrains of consciousness, understand yourself, other people and our world, which is being embraced and studied by people around the world as a new way to understand themselves more deeply, and the shifts that are happening on the planet. I've taken the test and we're going to also discuss the results and really what are the 10 terrains of consciousness. Let's bring them on the show right now. We've got Alan and Tawny How you doing?


Allen David Reed  01:55

Good, Rick. Hi. Good to meet you. lovely to


Tahnee Woolf  01:58

be here. Thanks for having us a new show.


Rick A. Morris  02:00

And so I we were talking a little bit pre show. And so Tony, you guys are both in Australia.


Tahnee Woolf  02:06

We are on the east coast of the most Eastern tip of Australia near the area called Byron Bay.


Rick A. Morris  02:13

One of my dearest friends lives there. Colin Ellis is one of my compatriots. So we're hoping to come to Australia soon. So it's been seven, eight in the morning on Saturday for you guys right now. somewhere around there. Yeah. Eight o'clock right now. Eight o'clock in the morning. Yeah, for sure. Hey, have you we started a group called the pm circle, which is an international group of mentoring people. But to get the faculty together, we have somebody in India, somebody in Australia, somebody in England and a couple in the United States. So seven in the morning, my time it seems to be the best, which is around 11 or so your time almost midnight. But yeah, it's interesting to try to find the time for all of us to meet. So let's let's jump right on into this because we talked about 10 terrains of consciousness. What inspired you, first of all to write this and how did you develop the model?


Allen David Reed  03:04

Well, it was really inspired over a lifetime of research that I've been doing. And Tani and I came together to really look deeply into a lot of questions that we were having about life markets, just ways to understand the world for, for bringing out of our projects and in business. And this just really evolved from the conversation, it was like there was a body of work that just wanted to emerge, merge itself from all that we've researched over our lifetimes. And this is the culmination of that at this point.


Tahnee Woolf  03:41

Yeah. And Elena, I have quite different backgrounds and very opposite brains. And when we came together, you know, Ellen's spent years as a scientist and a mystic and a very big picture thinker, and lots of different industries. And I've been much more focused on personalities, and interpersonal dynamics and relationships. And you know, how humans get along with each other. And Ellen's got this big, vast political and scientific overview and when our two opposite brains came together, but we kept asking the question, what is underneath the differences between people like beyond personality type, but beyond conditioning, and values and culture? What's actually deeper than that? That's wrong, this information started to drop in when we asked that question.


Rick A. Morris  04:19

So do you need to have a good understanding of interpersonal dynamics in order to, to understand tend to range like, Is there a graduation to where you've kind of studied this, you've studied this now tend to range is the next step or how does that work?


Allen David Reed  04:33

No, it stands alone. And it really it is really as the word implies, the terrain under all of these other systems, it is the terrain, it's your operating system, it's giving rise to your perceptions and your values and your beliefs and really, all these other systems that you would study and look at for understanding, as we mentioned a few before disc or Myers Briggs or what have you, enneagram. They really are On top of this negative, they're like the shrubs and the trees that grow on the terrain. So knowing the terrain is really fundamental to understanding how someone is relating to, to work to the world to life to reality.


Tahnee Woolf  05:13

The other thing I'll say, for those of you listening who like Rick and like myself have spent time studying those kinds of systems, Myers Briggs disc enneagram, I personally love those, I find them incredibly helpful. They're actually a very different thing than what we're talking about with the terrains, the terrains is actually an evolutionary model. So someone's terrain can change over the course of their lifetime, it's more akin to their age, like it could be 20, it could be 30, it could be 40, but you'll still be a seven enneagram at all of those ages is the same with your terrain, you'll still be a three enneagram and Ian TJ Myers Briggs or, you know, an eye on the disc. But that will, but you will take your personality with you, as you grow and evolve and you have a shift in your awareness is one day, you may even shift into another train of consciousness where and if you do make that kind of shift, a lot of things will show up very differently in your life, you might find it starting to question the career that you're in, or the relationship you're in, or the kinds of people you're hanging out with. And it can be a really huge life change. And so it's really interesting, if you are interested in personality types to see that your personality type comes with you, obviously, because you're born with it. But how you express that personality, how you embody, that is going to be different depending on which terrain you're at.


Rick A. Morris  06:24

So let's just briefly if we can go through the 10 terrain, so that the audience knows what we're talking about, because I'm going to want to dive into a couple of them. And so I kind of want them to understand where we are in that mix when I do so. So if you can't just give a brief, you know, Introduction as to what the 10 terrains are and how you move through them.


Allen David Reed  06:42

Well there continue the rise of the continuum of 10 terrains that are put together to represent our evolution from the most extreme separation from from our self as an infinite being to that which we're really one with ourselves. And so there's these points along the way, the first five are relating to the world from an outer perspective. And having things coming from outside to you. The other five are really more coming from within yourself to looking at a deeper understanding of who you are as a being.


Tahnee Woolf  07:22

So I can run through old 10. That was just like a sort of background context, when I run through all 10, you'll get a sense of them, they're they're each very different from each other, I'm just going to run through them super quickly, because each of them we could write a book about and talk about for hours. So I'm just going to do a couple of sentences on each just to give you as just a very, very simple kind of flavor of each one. But I think it'll be enough that you can see the differences between them. So the first one, so if people listening want to have a look at this, it will help you to follow along if you go to 10 T and T ra ns, because you'll see that we've given them 10 different symbols. And the symbols actually tell the story of what I'm gonna share. And each symbol is very specific for that terrain. And you'll see that the first one which is like a collection of dots called the metabase terrain particle, and the last one, which is a bunch of lines, the void base terrain, nothing, they're just they're kind of as bookends, like you're not going to really meet people at those two terrains, because they're very extreme. But we have them there just to tell the full story of humanity's journey of evolution. And so the first one the metabase terrain particle, this is you could think of caveman this is this is a being who's in such a state of fear steps such a state of responding from instinct to moment to moment without much thought without really a narrative or a story about meaning about life or God or anything. They're just in fear running from the bear trying to survive. Then we have the next terrain, which we call the faith based terrain, radial and there are people at this terrain in the world, they're what you would think of as the fundamentalist people, they're very much giving their power to something outside themselves, and then fully obeying it hundred percent. And they deeply genuinely believe that if they don't, they will be smoked down or they will not get to salvation. And it's not just something to participate in their community, it's a deep belief that they've ceded their power to something outside themselves. And so we've seen that play out in the world over the years politically and, and culturally. And then the next terrain, the will base terrain pyramid, if someone was to shift from radio to pyramid, this is the terrain where someone says, Well, I don't care about you know, God or deities I'm the master of my own destiny. And pyramid is really a kind of wild west mentality, think scarcity, consciousness, it's a belief that in order to feel safe, I need to accumulate as much wealth and power so that I can dominate other people control other people and, and it's really like the terrain what we see mafia and we see slavery and we just see exploitation of people in power games. And obviously, Empire and conquest. And a lot of the things we've seen play out in civilization over the years have come from countries that pyramid and lead as a pyramid. So this is a very well known terrain, and they're all num fit fairly decent numbers of people that pyramid in our world. The terrain after pyramid if someone wants to shift from pyramid to square the order base terrain square. This is the terrain where somebody believes that that the highest good of society is more important than their own. So their own goals. So someone that pyramid is very much about self interest, they're just trying to survive stay alive as much money as they can, somebody square is actually trying to contribute to society be an upstanding member of society. And at square, they're very much believed that the safety is going to come from being part of a smoothly running system. So think of people who believe in the banking systems believe in the government follow what authority tells them, they're wearing their masks, they're going into lockdown and compliant. And not really interested in innovation or pushing over the arm but pushing an envelope, but they really just want to contribute be a doctor or a lawyer and do what they you know, what their parents expect or what their society expects. And so this is people who really believe in the consensus reality, and I'm sure there's a lot you know, lots of people like this probably people listening like this, it's a fabulous terrain of contribution and service to society. And then the terrain after this, if someone wants to shift from the order base terrain to the next one, the reflection base terrain, Diamond, the thing that changes is someone starts to feel that I decide my own identity, I'm not going to do just what society tells me or what I'm expected to do. I'm choosing my own path. And a diamond is a terrain of individual expression, unique expression. Innovation is where we see social structures being overthrown and new technologies being invented. And it's all about growth and expansion, I'm going to be the best person I could be I'm gonna be the most innovative person was a lot of entrepreneurial ism at this terrain, we do see that at square two, but a diamond, there's much more willingness to take risks, there's not so much of a focus on financial security, it's more on financial independence, and freedom and diversity. And a lot of the things that have happened in the last 50 or 60 years in our culture have happened because of the prevailing terrain and about the 1960s shifted from square to diamond in the Western world. So we have the internet, freedom of information, decentralization, customization, all the things that have that now so prevalent in our society, a natural out picturing of this terrain, the terrain after this, the connection based terrain circle, there are decent numbers of people on the planet at this terrain at the moment, even though it's not the prevailing terrain. And the big jump that happens from diamond to circle, as Ellen said, the first five are out of focus drains and the second five are inner focused. So some of that's the jump that happens from diamond to circle is really the jump from outer to inner from doing to being and from head to heart. And people at circle are very much connected to the web of life, in a visceral sense, not just as a concept that really deeply feel nature, they feel the web of life, they're living in a much more community kind of way, think of indigenous cultures, most indigenous cultures are so cool, very collaborative. You know, we're gonna raise all lifeboats, there's not really visionary leaders, everybody's collaborating for the highest good of the whole group. And there's a deep reverence for nature and the sacred, the terrain after this the coherence based terrain spiral, these ones are going to be less and less numbers of people. So I'll go fairly quickly through them. spiral is a terrain where somebody shifts from circle from the connectedness to the web of life, and that and that now expands to a multi dimensional sense of self. These are people who have a real sense of self in all different dimensions, maybe past lives, maybe energetic stuff, but they're very much about self responsibility and being fully coherent on all levels of their being. So they're always working on keeping themselves neutral, and forgiveness and discernment. And they really deeply know that they create their reality from the inside out. And then the terrain after this, the fractal base terrain toroid This is the terrain of a lot of the spiritual teachers over time, a lot of the scientific geniuses people who have just downloaded truth, and they've downloaded it because they're in a very surrendered state. And they really deeply connected to the quantum field. And these are people who are really aware in every moment that the highest good of all is playing out. And they're always seeing things from the perspective of how is this playing out for the highest good of all, that's really where their focus is. And that and they're also in a place of deep trust. The terrain after this the Unity based terrain infinity, when you think of, you know, so called enlightened beings, Buddha, people like that. That's the this terrain, the Unity base terrain, infinity. This is people who really, really are embodying a state of oneness. There's no more separation, how they're behaving, or how they're thinking or how they're seeing others. They're very much in a state of surrender, and instead of witness and a very deep state of peace, but also very extreme state of self responsibility, making sure they're always staying neutral and bringing themselves back to a state of unconditional love if they're ever triggered out of it. And it's not just Buddha, who's at this terrain are people around and about her at this terrain, but it's less than 1% of the population, but they are around and they're usually not the big spiritual teachers. They're very humble people. You wouldn't even probably notice them in the room. And then Final trend, the void base terrain, no thing that's really just there as a bookend, you're not going to meet anyone that has to end these are beings who have kind of expanded so much that, you know, they don't even really believe anymore that they need water or gravity or these people kind of people call them Ascended Masters, things like that if you're not even really in physical form.


Rick A. Morris  15:17

Well, thank you for running us through that when we come back, we'll talk about what terrain most of us are in and I can I also want to know what terrain you guys are in. So we'll do that after the break. You're listening to reports on the work life balance.


VoiceAmerica  15:34

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Rick A. Morris  17:53

And we're back to the work life balance on this Friday afternoon. We're talking with Alan David Reed and Tawny Wolf, who co founders co creators of the 10 terrains of consciousness now we just went through what the 10 terrains are very, very quickly. But if you go to 10 terrains comm slash quiz, you can actually find out what terrain you're in, in, in downloads material. And on request. I did that prior to the show when we found out I you know, the common thing and I think in most humans is you know, did I get a high score? Did I score well, but I ended up in diamond at the mastery phase of that, which I found out isn't that rare? It's it's pretty common at this point. But I'd like to ask when you guys took this quiz, where where did you end up?


Allen David Reed  18:43

Well, I'd like to probably just step back and say that you one thing to know about the 10 terrains is there there is no score there aren't these aren't levels. This isn't something like you're trying to get to someplace, you actually already are an infinite being I'll just I'll just say that for the record. And so you've got as many lifetimes as you need to do what you need to learn. And so you're you're where you're at for a reason. You're you're sitting at one of these terrains, because there's a lot of learning there, there's a lot of service to get back from there. There's challenges to learn about yourself, it's about knowing yourself and so really we we learn about ourselves by coming in and living in any of these terrains throughout lifetimes literally. And so there there is nothing wrong with being in any any point because you actually have a lot to offer there. And the majority of the world if you look at a bell curve across this continuum is sitting in the middle of this continuum at the order base terrain at square at the reflection base terrain, Diamond, and you know, indigenous cultures as Tony mentioned, makeup other population so that this really does follow a bell curve. And and there's a lot of wealth. It's happening in generating right now in our world in a lot of excitement happening because we moved from the order base drain, at square to now being a diamond. So as a culture, we're really innovating and coming up with a lot of new technologies and understandings of ourselves. And there's a lot of growth, personal growth is big at this point. And I want to say this too, because the point of the balance between work and life is to really look at the fact that in the past, as civilization the industrial age was, was at the order base terrain, we were really living from an institutional model, where we went to nine to five jobs and cradle to grave sort of IBM, you know, business talons kind of thinking, to now at the reflection, base terrain, Diamond, you're, you're really the institutions are going away, we're really at a point in our evolution, we're really creating our own jobs, we're creating our own selves, and we're finding out who we really are what really excites us, it's sort of like, what, what's your passion, and in any coaching, I would say, you know, be clear on what you're passionate about, and then build your business model around that rather than trying to fit yourself into some existing Kog. So as we've shifted now to be with the prevailing terrain, Dr. Diamond in our, in our businesses, excuse me, in our, in our cultures, and in our businesses, we're having to completely relook at what we're doing to create ourselves going forward and creating our careers creating, you know, the entrepreneurial opportunities, there's those limitless capability available to us at this point, it's really the, the currency going forward is creativity. And that's what we need to be mindful of.


Rick A. Morris  21:48

Yeah, I'll let you come back to Tony. But where I got confused a little bit in that in is, you know, when you look at desk or enneagram, or you take a step, and Tony thought you did a really good job of saying, you know, you live out your personality, you're going to be a three, you're going to be a seven. And that's what you do. To me, I felt like this, this does have levels that you it's not necessarily a reward level, but it is a growth level. Right? So you you're graduating across your continuum as you as it's been laid out, as almost a as a visual of, of how aware you are and, you know, I'm a big fan of Carl Jung, and some of those, you know, unless you make the subconscious conscious that will rule your life, and you will call it fate. And I think there's a lot of us that that are understanding that portion. But to me, it is a leveling up it is a graduation up is that fair to say?


Tahnee Woolf  22:35

That's definitely the perspective from diamond, someone's looking at this model from diamond, I will see that that it's about growth and expansion that each ring is a progressive expansion, depending on which terrain you're at is how you will see this. So that's why it's a hard thing to answer. But the main thing we want to get across is that there's no judgment in it, there's no one better than the other one is worse than the other, you can see it as they're progressively more expanded. It's almost like if you think about a spaceship is on the ground, and when it's on the ground, all it sees is the trees in front of it. As it goes up a little bit higher, it sees more, it sees the village and then it goes up higher, it sees the forest and the ocean, and it goes up higher and it goes past the stratosphere and it sees the whole globe. At each iteration. It's got a larger perspective. But the ship's not better because it's 2000 feet, then it's at 1000 feet, it's just as a broader view. So really, this is more just expanding perceptions progressively more expanded perceptions. And the thing is from the reflection base terrain, Diamond, which is so much focusing on growth and expansion, it seems like the goal is to get to infinity and we should all grow and learn and become as most expandable possibly can. But actually, there's another perspective here, which is that really each terrain has something very profound to offer the world. And there are things that people contribute in each terrain, when put together as a collective tapestry all fit together for the highest good of all. So that's just another way to see it. And also that sometimes it's actually not easier to be at the more expanded terrains for someone and infinity that really lunch when they're doing constant work to stay neutral and stay surrendered and to not take anything on and not take anything personally like, it's not necessarily an easy job to be at that place in your journey, like you have it 100% that you create your reality in every possible way. So it might sound like it's a great place to be. But it's not necessarily any better than where you are. Now. That's one of the things we're always emphasizing, like really learn about where you're at now. And really master the lessons of this terrain and the things that you're here to offer the world of this terrain. And when it's the right time when your own miles off is really When you've completed that learning, you may shift to the next terrain. And that will be another adventure that though will then begin with huge amounts of learning and growth in it. And some people are really here to grow and learn in their life. That's their purpose of being on the planet. And they may shift terrain once, twice, even three times maybe more in their life. And other people are actually here to really go deeply into one terrain and really master that like think of someone like Abraham Lincoln. He was at school. You know, he's ended slavery from that terrain. Only someone who spent their life at square could do that job because it's happening in reaction to pyramid and exploitation, inequality pyramid, all about institutionalizing equality and making quality, widespread and systematizing equality that that has to happen at that terrain. So you can see that depending on your purpose in life, you may need to stay in a terrain for a long time, or you may be someone who's here to really shift, the most important thing is to just be really compassionate with yourself and accept your own journey. And just enjoy your own journey and appreciate the lessons that you're being given. And anytime.


Rick A. Morris  25:36

So you're not going to tell us what turnings you're on? I'm just teasing. So you pulled you pulled the presidential debate card of if I talk about something else over here, I want to answer that question, but I'm just playing with you. So the thing that strikes me though, is again, everyone's beliefs I'm completely open to so please don't take this as a challenge. But the the assumption of the model, though is that there is the the infinite lives that there is this isn't the only life that you lead, and off you go is that so there's definitely a reincarnation thing I'm picking up here as well. Is that is that fair to say?


Allen David Reed  26:10

Well, yes, what what this model is really based upon and this has been at the core of my life work literally working with leading scientists around the world in my entire life being looked at both in the mysteries and studying all of the religions and the mysteries, as well as all of the sciences very, very deeply, very deeply steeped in the quantum physics, and at the cutting edge of quantum physics are now starting to see what the mystics have been saying all along, you've got to apio electrons talking to each other over space and time simultaneously beyond speed of light. What it's starting to really show science is what the mystics have been saying that this is a self aware universe, this universe is consciousness, this entire universe all multi versus down, every last subatomic particle is simultaneously aware of itself across all of the galaxies, infinite galaxies, infinite stars. So when when we look at this, you know, there's a perspective that the religions hold, is it Well, there's a God up in heaven, but that's an anthropomorphic projection, when you really come from a mystical perspective, and this is being again supported by the sciences now really starting to see this as can the only way it can be this universe is self aware. And so the more we connect into that self awareness that we already are, then yes, we have access to, to the ability to become telepathic to to do many things to self heal to, to to look into the future we can, we can see a lot of stuff happening, when we really come into a relationship with this conscious being that we all are because it is one conscious universe. And so it's it's the idea of non local is nonlocality non local consciousness. And that's a real shift from the current science, which is the current psychology thinks that well, consciousness is just the result of our brain chemistry. And once we die, it goes away and consciousness goes. But the truth is, there is I can give you which really brought me deeply into this was all my research in the past lives. And I mean, past life, excuse me, near death experiences, scientifically validated in many cases. And they were saying the same thing again and again, and you know, they're out of body, they're in other places they're seeing themselves being operated on I mean, they're, you start to really look into this a cycle, how could all of this be possible? You know, there's research of people that have come, you know, back and known about their themselves and other places and taking their families there to meet the people they knew in the past? I mean, there's a lot of evidence of this.


Tahnee Woolf  28:41

So bottom line answer to your question is that one of the core assumptions underneath this model is that this is an infinitely intelligent universe. But there's plenty of people who have used our model who don't necessarily believe that. So there's still there's still a lot of use in understanding humans and how they're acting each terrain, even if you don't really believe that core assumptions, but they're definitely there in our work. And that work is definitely coming from place of non local consciousness. So that's what you're picking up on.


Rick A. Morris  29:05

Absolutely. And I think I think we're gonna take this, this opportunity to take a break right here because I think I'm about to open up a Pandora's box of questions. Once we come back on the other side of the break, you're listening to the work like bounce bars.


VoiceAmerica  29:22

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Rick A. Morris  31:42

And we're back to the work life balance on this Friday afternoon having a fantastic conversation about the 10 terrains of consciousness. And I really, intellectually I'm just I'm intrigued and in really wanting to dive further in. You said something right before we went to break there, Ellen, just talking about the infant conscious the near death experiences, there was a TED talk that I saw and anybody can go look at it's by Neil Seth, about how your brain hallucinates the reality that the fact that your brain itself isn't it doesn't have any tacit senses directly with the outside world, right? It's all interpreted of what we're seeing what we're smelling what we're tasting, what we're hearing, it's an interpretation. But the biggest thing, and what triggered me in that conversation is because when you get put under for surgery, where does your consciousness to go? Right, that becomes that that question? I was just wondering if you've run across anything, right? So you basically we lose time when when we're put under, right? So six hours of surgery could happen. And to us, it's, you know, we're out and we're back up. And so they're wondering if they can study that or understand those portions of that brain, then maybe we can interpret, you know, some of the diseases and some of the things that people are afflicted with, certainly around mental health. And I'm just wondering your studies in the things that you've come across? Is that really the kind of stuff that triggered you into starting to study some of the 10 terrains?


Allen David Reed  33:12

Well, I have seen that video that you're referring to, and I understand this argument, I understand this conversation on both sides. And what really brought me to this was, was working with a number of core scientists at a foundation for mine being research in Palo Alto, California for many years. And we were looking at the leading edges of consciousness interfacing with matter with the being. And this is where a lot of this understanding was really being generated. And and these, again, were scientists that really wanted to ground us. So what I've come to realize is that because there's an infinite possibility available to us, we can interpret data in many different ways. And so depending on your terrain, and your beliefs and your perceptions from that terrain, you're going to project onto the data, what you think's happening there. And so you're going to have probably just like you'd have a witness's at an accident scene, and you have 10 different versions of what happened when you take a police report, you're going to have 10 different, you know, stories of what's happening here based on the perception and the terrain that a person is coming from. So that's a lot of what's what's going on is that based on on that relationship, that's how that story is being seen.


Rick A. Morris  34:41

So there's a real kind of fight in the world, between you see it in multiple aspects, right. Science versus faith, if you talk about, you know, Darwinism, right versus the creation theory. You've got climate control, climate change, whether that's manmade or is that just, you know, Mother Nature, just going to shrug us off as well. She can do those types of there seems to be distinct things. And I feel like, what what I'm concerned with is I don't want anybody here say, well, because you say this or you believe this, then I don't believe in the model, like I'm encouraging. I want people to be encouraged to go read and see it and feel it and understand it and determine on their own. But what do you say to let's take the first one around, you know, energy, you know, faith based, kind of, well, there is a God, there's only one life, that kind of stuff. And then this other side of we are this infinite conscious and, and that, like, we're all energy, and one thing that we were always taught even in schools that that energy doesn't go away, right, he creates an opposite reaction, but energy doesn't go away. It's something I was taught, you know, in youth. So talk to me a little bit around.


Allen David Reed  35:51

Really, you know, when you really look at it, the there are two sides of the same coin, really, as I've become more expanded and aware of I have become much stronger in my faith than I was when I was at a point where I was actually somewhat atheistic, thinking that what I had been taught, was really was was really not accurate. So there was a reaction to that. And that now, as I've, as I've come more deeply into, learning about myself understanding who I am, and who we all are, and what consciousness is, I have I have come to, to a very deep place of faith. So it's, it's like, if you go around a circle, you can go around one or two ways, but you're still going to reach the same point. And so so there are those that are that are coming from, from faith from a biblical perspective. But there's a lot of truth in that. But it's a journey, and it's a different journey than the journey I've taken. But the truth is, you end up at the same place, ultimately, when you when you come into it, that I am my brother's keeper, you know, do unto others as you want done unto yourself. I mean, I could go down a whole long list of principles here. But those principles are because we really are caring for each other as ourself at the end of the day.


Rick A. Morris  37:14

So, Tony, if I, as I did, I took this test. And it said, test quiz understanding, I don't want to say test it wasn't, was an open, multiple choice question where I pass and fail, but the self analysis and I end up at diamond, how do I take that in and apply that are some practical applications of what I do with that information next?


Tahnee Woolf  37:39

Well, it's really useful as you going out into the world, especially if you're accountable. Firstly, in your own journey, just to see, for example, you might have a period of time where you remember where you maybe you were at square, and you can now you can understand why things have shifted for you so much for some people who were at diamond, were at square when they were younger, and they could look back and go, Oh, I finally understand why I left that career. And all these things I've always questioned about myself all these years, they finally makes sense. I didn't go crazy, I just had a terrain shift. And that can give a lot of peace to people. And then looking forward, you can see, okay, this I'm a diamond now. So it actually makes sense that I'm making these choices. Now I understand why I'm having these challenges, okay, they're not as stressful for me because at least there's some context for them now. And, and actually, these are the kinds of things I'm here to do. I'm here to change the world at this point in my journey. So that's quite empowering to just be told that I'm here to change the world right now. Because that's really the purpose of someone at diamond, it's to change the world, it's to make an impact, it's to make a difference. And that can be very motivating. Some people read their diamond report, and they go, Oh, wow, it's almost like they feel like they're being given cheering on permission to do the thing that their hearts already telling them to do. And then from that place, you can start to go out into the world and really notice when maybe other people are not at the same terrain as you and whereas in the past, you might have been frustrated by that. Like maybe you have family members at the order based around square who think you're totally over the top of your entrepreneurial ism, you're taking too many risks. And why are you doing all this cutting edge research into health? And why do you not want to do chemotherapy you got cancer is what the doctor told you to do. And you look really frustrated with them, because you want to do, you know, hack your health and hack your life with all these innovative new approaches and technologies, and they don't understand that. So it's when you come into contact with people not at your terrain, which is very common, that having this information becomes crucial, because now you can communicate to them differently, especially if you have taken time to learn about the 10 terrains and you understand the other terrain so you've read our book, or watch some of our viewers have done some learning, then you can find ways to speak to that person without judging or criticizing them to actually communicate to them in language that they'll understand. Because each terrain has very different kinds of language that appeals to them very different mimetics so if you're in marketing or in business, it's very helpful to understand particularly the most common trends like pyramids square diamond circle to really understand how people think, and the kinds of things are gonna land with them. But even just a conflict management if you're running a company and most of the people in our company at diamond, but there's a group that are at square and they're struggling because they They don't fit the corporate culture because their fundamental relationship with reality is different than everybody else's. This is important stuff to know, if you're trying to create cohesive teams harmony in your family harmony in your marriage relationship, if you and your wife are in a different terrain, so that's why this work really starts to come alive. And then for other people who are more politically focused, so most of them say to Elon, once they understand this, they can then start to look at what's happening in the world politically, economically, socially, and see the terrains of different world leaders or the terrain showings of different countries or the terrain, the different eras in history or the terrain of a particular city. Because as groups of people, there's always a prevailing terrain in the room, if you're in a conference filled with people at diamond, the terrain of that room is very different than if you're a very conservative mainstream conference at square or a sort of rally a pyramid where everyone's kind of stood up and agitate and trying to get their anger out. Like it's a very different kind of demonstration, a very different type of crowd. So this is


Rick A. Morris  40:58

often I've got personal experience there. So as I was saying, with the john Maxwell team, something I joined about five and a half, six years ago now. But it's a it's a group that believes in valuing people believing in people in living beyond yourself. And I feel like I was seeking that because I was stuck. What's interesting to me though, is I see I, and I'll just be transparent is very personal to me as well. I outgrew my spouse, as I as I transition in so what I'm picking up on this is that I transition terrains, essentially, somewhere in that journey somewhere at that point, where I really started to see the greater good wanted to start serving other people, financial things didn't really matter to me. And it was still something that was very strong for her. And she just couldn't understand why I was doing that. And I'm seeing this often I see a lot of my friends go through it, of you know, even, you know, asking questions, why? Why didn't this bother me before, but it bothers me now. Right? Those types of things?


Tahnee Woolf  41:56

Yeah, one of the things you really want to do is run some trainings for people and one of the groups we want to train is relationship coaches, because it'd be very helpful for them to understand as well as personality differences, that they actually can sometimes be terrain differences. And as one person shifts, the other person may not because people's journeys don't go at the same pace. And that can create problems exactly like what you're talking about. So we're really actually very excited about training some relationship coaches in this stuff.


Rick A. Morris  42:19

I felt like she transitioned down while I transitioned up, but maybe that's just me now. So I'm gonna I'm gonna reveal the biggest thing that I picked up in this conversation so far, my biggest aha moment, but we're gonna do that right after the break. You're listening to Rick bars and the work life balance.


VoiceAmerica  42:39

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Rick A. Morris  45:01

And we're back to the work life balance on this Friday afternoon fascinating conversation with with our guests on David Reed Tawny Wolf, creators of the 10 terrains of consciousness. And I promise to reveal kind of my greatest aha moment. And I teach this, but I didn't. I didn't pick it up until it was something that you said, Tani. And I was actually saying something almost tongue in cheek, but it was your response to that, that, that got me. So we talked about disc and disc profiles and meeting people where they are. And so then here we are talking about the consciousness and you turn about the practical application and understanding where they are it but it was their understanding of their view of the world. And that really kind of helped me grasp what what we've been talking about here. In terms of the judgment of it, meaning not one terrain is better than the other terrain, but you understand how they're viewing things. So kind of when you said, well, as a diamond, you I can understand why you're saying it that way, or why you see it that way. That was one of the most impactful things that I picked up in the conversation for sure. So I appreciate that. On another tongue in cheek moment, we were talking about I'm watching a lot of people graduate into different terrains and have growing spouses or relationships or whatever. What's your advice if somebody there if somebody kind of recognizes that I'm operating, whether they're conscious of the trains or not operating at a different level than a long term relationship or spouse? What's your advice at that rate?


Allen David Reed  46:31

Well, I think the the best advice is to the first thing to understand is that really, any terrain the person is coming from, from a perspective of worldview as you as you're indicating, that is looking to help them feel safe, safe in themselves safe in the life around them just safe in their world. And so if you got two spouses that are one shifting, and the other is not, it's because the one is feeling like they are ready to expand and take on a new perspective. And and it's, you know, and feel safe in doing that. And the other spouse may not yet be ready to or not feel safe to go in that, on that journey. And so it's really a matter of one of two things. It's really about like meeting people where they're at talking to them, or speaking to them in a way that reinforces and lets them know that yes, I understand your fear, I understand how this is feeling. And and I'm wanting to read, you know, reiterate and reinforce that you'll be safe. That's one approach. And the other approach is that well you know, we are growing differently and it's maybe our cycle in this time is complete and it's it's time for us to evolve in in new directions. And so this is a very personal choice. But if you want to look at it from a from a place of of taking you know ownership of it and saying well either I'm not understanding you and I need to be more compassionate and and that's where learning about terrains and learning about other people at their point is allowing you to be more compassionate and that could save the marriage or you may both just come to a realization that well it's time that this is the cycle is done. And it's time for us to evolve in the direction


Rick A. Morris  48:21

did you want to say something real quick Tony to that or


Tahnee Woolf  48:24

okay say it also it's gonna depend on the terrains are of the people will play out completely differently between a couple of square and spiral or between a couple of square and diamond because, for example, the coherence base drain spiral at that point there very, is really not much judgment left. And so someone like that could be in relationship with anybody, no matter how they see the world, it wouldn't bother them. Whereas to people who are in one of the first five terrains where it's much more like a much more in my own beliefs, and I'm a bit challenged by people who see the world differently. Like it's not as comfortable for someone at the first five trains to try and live with someone who sees the world radically differently from them. Yes, it really depends where you're at.


Rick A. Morris  49:05

Yeah, personally The only thing I can I can speak to his personal experience in I have a group of friends that that we have this conversation often but you know for me I even identified the points in which I kind of felt the transition so first it was trying to appease the other person make them happy not rock the boat go along with the flow that kind of stuff and then I started to get into a phase of regardless you're going to be upset about something so I might as well do what what makes me happy and then realizing that doing what makes me happy serving other people and making them happy I I shifted out so I feel like there is a tutoring difference potentially as I'm learning about that of one is it's not even square base. It's more pyramid based of this is the way the world works. And that's the only way the world works. And you know, to me, to me, I felt like it was exploitive to budge. But there's several of us in that friend group that's that's in that cinco.


Tahnee Woolf  50:01

Yeah, and and you know, traditionally people when their culture was at square people stayed in marriages, even if they weren't that happy because it was a done thing it was expected. And square is a terrain of roles. So people are playing a role because it's expected role and everyone's functioning together as smoothly running system. You know, Diamond people are about their own journey, their own path, and I'm going to stay if it's nourishing me, and it's and it's giving me energy, and it's good for me and I can serve the planet from here and I can make a difference, I can change the world, they're not going to stay in something just because it's their role or because it's expected. This is why the divorce rate has skyrocketed since we've, since we've moved into diamond and everything's been thrown open gender and the kind of relationships and how we interact, the whole thing's up for grabs now because the diamond world as opposed to what everybody's got their own opinion, their own ideas, their own theories, and all exploring our own paths. And so that's one of the things that she as a society shaped as the prevailing terrain shift. So it doesn't just apply every now so it actually actually applies across our culture. So you may have experienced in your personal life that shifts in the square kind of relating to diamond. But actually, as a culture, we've also had that shift over the last year. So it's been, you know, it's been a massive thing to influence society. And, you know, we're not, we're not creating these, we're just describing it. We've just found a map that describes that it's all already there. And most people who come to understand this model, once they really get it, they look around and go, Oh my god, yeah, it really has been playing out all this time. I just didn't have the words for it.


Allen David Reed  51:25

It's kind of like gravity. You know, it was always there until somebody who pointed it out and say, hey, look, and then went to the wayside and went, Oh, yeah. Well, this is really what's happening with the 10 terrains. These are all here. And you can see it from anthropology. There's, there's elements of other research that this is all informed process. And it's once you see this, then you see the world and you'll never go back to seeing it. You can't not see it. It's like, yeah, it's like riding a bike. You get it, you see it and it just becomes part of your life.


Rick A. Morris  52:00

So for everybody listening, if you visit 10 terrains calm, you can find out more about the 10 terrains as well as 10 terrains comm slash quiz, you can learn about where you are in where you possibly could be going. I've got about three minutes till we close, but I love to ask every guest what is some of the best advice you've ever received?


Tahnee Woolf  52:23



Rick A. Morris  52:27

And I do that on purpose for that,


Allen David Reed  52:29

I would say is to just really be true to yourself. Just really, you know, my whole journey has been to understand human nature and to know myself to Know thyself is one of the the axioms. And so it's really I've been on a journey. So who am I? Because as I was born into a world where I was being told who I was supposed to be, I didn't feel right. And so it's been a journey to know who am I.


Tahnee Woolf  52:58

And for me, I can't really think of the best advice I've received. But I can just tell you the best advice that's coming to me to share with you were donor who told me where I learned, I feel that the more compassion you have, the more joyful your life's gonna be. And by compassion, I mean compassion for yourself, like where you're at in your life, at your point in growth, and also compassion for the people in your life, the people around you, the people in your family, that business to pick the things that are happening around the world. And one of the things that the 10 trains model has given me is the ability to have compassion for myself, for other people, and also for other people in the world.


Allen David Reed  53:31

I would probably just say as a final piece, just just for your listeners, that understanding terrains is really important in this time, because you need to be having an alignment with with with yourself with the people you're working with, with the products that you're bringing to this market that you're going into and the market itself and they all have to. They could all be at different terrains. And if they aren't, if they are, then you need to align those and understand that. So it's really a critical knowledge to make sure that everything flows and then people get you and receive what you're offering.


Rick A. Morris  54:05

Well, Alan and Tony, we are so sorry, we are we're out of time, but we can hang out and talk. But if there's more to two, if you're interested, you want to know more. It's 10 Also, you can buy the book that's out everywhere, I imagine. But thank you, Alan. Thank you, Tony.


Tahnee Woolf  54:22

I would also say to check out our YouTube channel because we've just done a really fascinating series applying the 10 trends to the Coronavirus situation, outstanding terrain and how they're responding to 10 different videos really worth watching.


Rick A. Morris  54:34

Outstanding. Thank you so much for sharing. Thank you gang for listening next Friday, I'm actually going to take it off, it'll be my birthday. And who knows where we'll end up or what will happen on that day. But we'll be back on the 23rd and I look forward to having you all back then. Thank you for listening to the work life balance please stay tuned to the voice America business network as we have another fantastic show coming up and we will talk to you in two Fridays.


VoiceAmerica  55:02

Thank you for joining us this week. The work life balance with Rick Morris can be heard live every Friday at 2pm pacific time and 5pm eastern time on The Voice America business channel. Now that the weekend is here, it's time to rethink your priorities and enjoy it. We'll see you on our next show.